One day I fly away


(click on the tag to see it in real size)

This tutorial is ©Delectable PSP Addictions . It may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part

without my written permission.

I used PSP9  and AS for this tutorial but I think it can be done with any version of PSP.

Filters used: AAA-Frames filter, Ulead Effects Gif-X 2.0, Eye Candy 5 Impact: Perspective Shadow
Fonts used:  Barbara Hand for the wording, Barbatrick for the word FLY, Berlin Sans FB (for the


For this tut you need my supplies all made by me, so please don't share without my permission!!

You can get them here:

A cute tube, I used my kitty Tica 1, available at MTA

Open a transparant image 719 x 338, select select all, paste  my background. Select none.

Add my grassy , put it to the right and my flowertube in the middle. Duplicate the grassy and put

that layer on top of the flowers and position it to the left so it covers the entire bottom (see my tag

as refference).
Paste your tube on top of the bottom grassy layer so the flowers and the other grassy layer cover it a

Add drop shadow to every layer (except for the background) Drop shadow used is Eye Candy 5 Impact,

perspective shadow (see screenshot)

Paste my frame and add wording to your liking with a font of choice.
With your selection tool set to square make a selection on your background inside the frame and

make a layer of it. Position this layer just beneath the frame layer. Type the word Fly with a different

big font and give it the same drop shadow as mentioned before. merge down the word with the layer

below it, so you now have something like the screenshot below:

Copy merged your entire work and paste on top of all layers.
Adjust blur, Gaussian blur, set to 60.
Effects AAA Frames, settings see screenshot 3 below:

Select, select all

Selections, select all, modify, retract by 14, hit the delete button. Selections, select none.
Put all the correct copyright information clearly visible on your tag.

Select the fly word layer and select, select all, floating:  Effects, Ulead Effects GIF-X 2.0, Nickolodeon
see screenshot and save as a GIF.

Close copyright, frame and ladybug frame layer and copy merged the other layers and paste in AS.

Copy this layer in AS and duplicate until you have 15 layers.
Close off these layers and open the copyright, frame and ladybug frame layer and merge visible and also copy this layer in AS and set aside for a moment.

Select, select all layers in AS. Open the GIF of the word FLY you saved before and paste this

animation on top of the selected layers.
Change the speed of the first frame to 150 and the speed of the other 14 frames to 7.

Copy the merged copyright-frame layer you had aside and past it on top of the selected 15 frames.

If you want the kitty to blink just export a few frames  ( I exported 3 frames) to Paint Shop Pro and close the eyes of the

kitty or whatever tube you use and save it again in AS.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you try it, I would love to see what your result!:)

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